What's Going On?

Broad Street Construction Project

There are a lot of changes happening now and coming soon to the Bishop State Community College Main campus. It's impossible to miss the Broad Street construction (more like demolition) that is happening directly in front of our campus.

Image of Broad Street looking North at Lyons Street after the completion of the TIGER grant revitilization project.

Bishop State has a front-row seat to Phase 1 of the $14.5 million TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) grant awarded to the City of Mobile by the Department of Transportation. The grant will revitalize some of the most widely-used corridors with new streets, bicycle lanes, sidewalks, drainage, and landscape architecture, drawing people to the heart of our community. The Bishop State Administration wants to remind drivers and pedestrians to use extreme caution while in this area and follow all traffic signs, rules, and speed limits. The latest Mobile TIGER grant construction project information is available online at https://www.cityofmobile.org/reconnectingmobile/tiger-grant/. For the latest news and project information from the City of Mobile, follow them on Twitter (@city_of_Mobile) or like them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cityofmobile.

Preparations for Advanced Manufacturing Center and Allied Health Facilities

Image of Broad Street looking North at Lyons Street after the completion of the TIGER grant revitilization project.

The Bishop State administration is preparing to construct an Advanced Manufacturing Center and an Allied Health facility on its Main campus. The additions and upgrades are designed to help the college meet the workforce needs of the community by training students for the high-wage and high-demand careers in Mobile County and beyond! Check out this previous web story about the changes and upgrades that are in the works for more information. Before construction can begin, there are a lot of changes and moves that must first be made. Offices

Image of Broad Street looking North at Lyons Street after the completion of the TIGER grant revitilization project.

must be swapped, departments moved, walls built, and several other changes that must be made while the final edits are being made to the design. Bishop State Director of Facilities, Kenney Holder, has mapped out a move schedule with dates of when divisions will begin and complete their moves. Check out the move plan here.

How Will it Look?

The renderings below are a preview of how it will look in front of the campus along Broad Street as well as inside the Advanced Manufacturing Center and Allied Health Facility. [gallery columns="2" ids="193517,193516,193492,68637,68639,193514,193515,193513,193512,68641"]

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