Bishop State Community College won the credit hour production category of the 2022 Chancellor's Challenge.

The Chancellor's Challenge was a creative attractive enrollment management-driven incentive for colleges within the Alabama Community College System to increase growth percentage from Fall 202 to Fall 2021 in four categories.

  1. New Student Headcount
  2. Credit Hour Production
  3. Retention
  4. Total Headcount

Bishop State won in the Credit Hour Production Category (the total number of credit hours attempted - all students) with an increase of 17.57%. Bishop State had the greatest increase of 14.11% in the Retention category, but could only win in one category and had a greater increase in credit hour production.

As a winner, Bishop State won a grant of up to $250,000 for student success initiatives and up to $100,000 for professional development related to student success.

Alabama Community College system is ahead in enrollment (+6.45%) and credit hour production (+3.18) while the rest of the country continues to experience enrollment declines.

The fall of 21 represents the first system-wide increase in 11 years.

Congratulations to all of the colleges in the Alabama Community College System!

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