Dr. Adrian Evans, Bishop State Humanities and Fine Arts Divisional Chair, is now a graduate of the Alabama Community College Leadership Academy! The Academy is a yearlong leadership development program for administrators and faculty members in two-year colleges. The mission of the Academy is to prepare community college leaders by enhancing their leadership and management skills for an environment of change within postsecondary education. The program is designed for those who desire to prepare themselves to take advantage of future senior-level management opportunities.
Dr. Evans was nominated to represent Bishop State by College President, Dr. Reginald Sykes and former Dean of Instruction, Dr. Latitia McCane. Throughout the year she attended sessions throughout the state. Dr. Evans says this allowed her to learn about other community colleges in the System, witness their partnerships with four-year institutions, and network with leaders from other schools in the state. "I have taught English and Literature for 22 years now but having completed the Academy has helped me understand more about other departments and services in the System," Dr. Evans commented. "I know more now about building budgets, policy, security, maintenance, financial aid, human resources... you name it; we encountered it!" Dr. Evans says her group's culminating project was titled "Changing Paradigms: Developing Strategies for Underprepared Students." She explains her group researched and presented strategies that can be used at any community college to make sure students are better prepared for college-level courses and graduation. Dr. Evans, who started as a student at Bishop State, says while she is "certainly relieved" the Academy is over, she feels armed with new ideas and perspectives that can result in improvements at Bishop State and the Alabama Community College System. "I am truly grateful to have been given the opportunity to attend the Academy, but I am aware that there is still much more to learn. Bishop State is an awesome institution. Therefore, I think the goal is to use what I have learned at the Academy to help Bishop State be the best she can be by helping our students and community be the best they can be."

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